Role of the Chair (Chairperson)
The role of a Chair has all the general responsibilities of the management committee holders. The Chair has particular responsibilities in relation to management committee
meetings including:
- ensuring meetings are run competently
- ensuring discussion and decision‐making is democratic and everyone is able to participate fully in meetings
- holding the casting vote in the event of a split decision
- distributing agendas for the meeting (in consultation with the secretary and other management committee officers)
- ensuring relevant matters are discussed and appropriate decisions made
- Chairing meetings and ensuring that annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings are carried out according to the constitution of the organisation
Role of the Secretary
The role of a Secretary has all the general responsibilities of the management committee holders. The Secretary has particular responsibilities in relation to management committee which are administrative. The tasks of the Secretary for management committee meetings can include: convening meetings
- convening meetings
- booking rooms
- dealing with correspondence
- preparing agendas for meetings (in consultation with the Chair)
- taking the minutes of meetings
- ensuring back‐up information is available at meetings where required.
Role of the Treasurer
As well as bearing all the general responsibilities of a management committee officer, the Treasurer is the person specifically entrusted with the funds of the Party. Treasurer will deal with the financial transactions and bookkeeping.
The tasks associated with the treasurer are:
- To advise the committee on financial matters, both positive and negative.
- To receive or verify money from branch members for dues and membership
- To control and account for the organisation’s finances
- To issue receipts for all cash received and keep records of that paid out
- To be a counter signatory to any major banking transaction
- To attend meetings of the finance sub‐committee
- To oversee bookkeeping
- To prepare the Treasurer’s report for the annual general meeting
- To liaise with the appointed Auditor or Independent Examiner for the annual review of accounts
- To advise the organisation’s management committee of its financial requirements for the year ahead
- For complicated accounting it is advisable to seek professional advice.