“Why buy what you already own?”
Privatisation is nothing but theft from the people. Much like the original enclosure of the commons. All governments in Australia for the last few decades have been flogging off our public assets and services to the corporate privateers. Fortunes have been made for some. All public services have been starved for funding. But to use these services the cost have skyrocketed and the services are cut back and poorly delivered because of lack of staff. Together with outsourcing and automation, what remains of any public service is a shadow of its former self.
We fight to keep our services and assets in our hands. We fight to regain what they have stolen.
- Medicare
- Buses
- Trains
- Roads
- Banks
- Insurance
- Electricity
- Ports
- Call Centres – including emergency responses
- Public Housing
- Commonwealth Employment Service
- Prisons
- Schools
- Universities
- Telstra
- Shipping
- Council services
There has been a recent People’s Inquiry into Privatisation and to the surprise of no one at all it found privatisation to be harmful to the community. The final report below:
People Over Profit is a global online knowledge library and campaign builder. Worth exploring for campaigns related to privatisation.
And Public Services International (formerly Privatisation Watch) is worth checking as well.
Here a bit of a reader on Privatisation. More can be added to it. Please send supporting articles and publication to us at our email on the contacts page.
Here is an older report from comrade Anna Pha onthe rush to privatise everything.
Here is the NSW Government Issues Backgrounder from the Parliamentary Research Service (probably privatised!)
Privatisation in NSW: a timeline and key sources