History of the Communist Party 2

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/politicalchargeagainstsharkey.pdf” download=”all”]

Political Charge Against Sharkey

In 1949, ACP General Secretary, Lance Sharkey was asked by a journalist what the reaction would be if the USSR invaded Australia. Lance responded and would serve jail time for his comments. In this booklet, Fred Paterson, describes the sedition case.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Aplanforthefightingman.pdf” download=”all”]

A Plan For The Fighting Man

In 1944, with many Australians still fighting in WW2, the ACP created a plan for them divided into two parts. The first, introducing more democracy into the services and improving service conditions. the second, our programme for the service men and women in the post-war period.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/prosperityforveggrowers.pdf” download=”all”]

Prosperity For Vegetable Growers

This booklet written after WW2 looked forward to a new way of providing cheap produce to people by the expansion of cooperative growing and marketing. It advocated a new system free of the dominance of monopolies in production and distribution. Its optimism and vision is still worth a look in the modern era of corporate control of our purchasing habits and diet.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Whatisthislaborparty.pdf” download=”all”]

What Is This Labor Party?

An honest and detailed document explaining the nature of the Australian Labour Party, its assault and restraint of our union movement and its relationship to Capitalism. Published in the 1940s, yet remarkably relevant in our time. A very worthwhile read for understanding the ALP.

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Catholic Action At Work

This booklet from 1945 contains a warning from the ACP about the workings of reactionary trade union groups directed by the Catholic Church. They sought to prevent the Communists from leading militant defence of workers’ interests, to shore up the position of employers and to impose conservative social values. This anti-worker force continues to plague the labour movement.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Communistplanfordemocracyandpeace.pdf” download=”all”]

Communist Plan For Victory & Peace

In 1944 the federal government sought powers to ensure a more just post-war political landscape. Most service men and women had gone to war with an understanding that they wouldn’t return to pre-war conditions of poverty and lack of democratic rights. In this booklet the Party explains its support for the relevant referendum and its further plan for a socialist Australia.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/JimHealy.pdf” download=”all”]

Jim Healy – Leader of the Waterside Workers Federation

Written at the height of “Big Jim” Healey’s powers by fellow member Rupert Lockwood. Hounded by the Menzie’s government, he steered wharfies through many bitter struggles to secure dignified work in an industry with an appalling history for insecure, low-paid and dangerous work.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/LaborBetrayed.pdf” download=”all”]

Labor Betrayed

This booklet from 1946 reminds workers of the rotten history of collaboration of the ALP in anti-worker attacks on the Australian Communist Party. The nature of World War 2 and the behaviour of the ALP and the similarities with the conditions in Germany at the time. It also sets out immediate demands for the post-war period that were at odds with the pro-capitalist plans of the ALP.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/HowTowinelections.pdf” download=”all”]

How To Win Elections

The CPA once had a very effective electoral machine committed to victory at every level of government in Australia. The intention was always to use those platforms for advocacy of a revolutionary agenda. That’s not to say the plans were impractical or lacking in appeal to working people. Read about the Party’s successful appeal to the people in the post war years!

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Communiststellhowtobuildhousingfast.pdf” download=”all”]

Communists Tell How To Build Houses – Fast!

After WW2, Australia faced a severe housing shortage. Australia was 400,000 houses short, with 60,000 new homes required yearly to replace those that become obsolete. Post-war privatisation and the prioritising of housing-for-profit stood in the way of the bright future men and women had signed up for. This booklet sets out the ACP’s demands for a short-term fix to these woes.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Factsaboutbankingreform.pdf” download=”all”]

Facts About Banking Reform – Private Banks vs The People

In 1947, the Chifley Labor government tried to put the Commonwealth Bank under stricter control. The capitalists went berserk saying it was Communism in disguise and set out (successfully) to defeat the referendum that was required. The ACP argued for full nationalisation of the finance sector and their arguments are presented in this booklet.

[embeddoc url=”https://westernsydneycommunists.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Outlineforworkinmunicipalcouncils.pdf” download=”all”]

Outline For Work In Municipal Councils

This post-WW2 booklet makes a powerful argument for why Communists should focus on the work of local councils. Covering a wide field of issues, local councils were and are still optimum for communists. The ACP has a proud history of involvement in local councils and this work is a how to guide on approaching the task of building the Party’s presence in your local area.

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