Decision Making – Democratic Centralism

“Freedom of discussion, unity of action” Lenin on Democratic Centralism.

In Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties like ours decisions are made using a method called ‘Democratic Centralism’.

It requires that all directing bodies of the Party, from top to bottom, are elected. That is the same process at the sub-committee level to branch level to the district level to the state level and to the national level. Every item is put forward for discussion. Everyone has has their say. Everyone gets to vote. Democracy in action. Once voted on the decision is binding on all. Unity in action.

When those decisions are put into action Party bodies will give periodical accounts of their activities to their respective Party organizations. This feedback loop is important for future decision making. This informs the higher bodies about what is happening on the ground. It lets the higher ups know what is happening and what is working and what is not. Better, more informed, decisions can then be made in future with this feedback.

Democratic Centralism aims to put into practice collective decisions made at all levels of the Party. It promotes a vigorous democratic life within the Party and ensures a cohesive and effective central leadership to build Party solidarity and unity.

Factions are not permitted. Factions destroy party unity. Factions are a group of people meeting outside the party structure to push an agenda which has not been voted on by the majority or has already been rejected in a vote by the majority.

Fractions on the other hand are accepted. Fractions are cross party groups that openly work together on a particular area and using democratic centralism to make decisions.