As communists we campaign on things which weaken the power of the capitalist class and strengthen the position of the working class. We are unambiguous in this. This can take may forms and happens on many fronts.
Needs are endless. Resources are not. We have limited resources, time and energy and must use them wisely.
We know capitalism cannot provide for all of us. It is structurally incapable and not designed to do so. It is not the business of communists to pick up the pieces and patch it up to keep it grinding on. Our job is to smash it to pieces and liberate humanity and the planet from its destructive and deadly forces. Clearly, until then the millions of victims of capitalism need all the help and band aid assistance they can get. And there are many wonderful people who spend their lives doing just this. However, bourgeois welfare is no threat to capitalism. Indeed, you can even get a knighthood for doing it and will get lots of accolades too.
Communist organising will not bring you knighthoods and media kudos. But by eliminating capitalism you are part of creating a better world.
The Human Factor In All Organisations And Organising
We all come into the party at different stages of personal and political development and bring different life experiences with us. We continue to learn through our political life.
It is very important to welcome new members. Everyone has a role to play. Don’t throw the old out for the young. Apart from being ageist you will lose some great experience and networks. Don’t reject the young and inexperienced. We need new energy and new ideas and visions. Everyone needs to work together towards the same goal. Exchanging ideas and skills. Supporting each other. We want a better society and it starts in our branches in our practices and conduct.
As well as taking care of each other it is also very important to look after ourselves. Yes there is so much work to do we are often driven to do it all straightaway . But it is very important to pace yourself. For yourself. For your comrades. For the change we want to make. It all has to be sustainable.
Branch Organising
Communists organise through branches. Branches are usually locality based but can also be industry based or in universities.
They are cell based. The official roles in each branch are
Once a branch gets to a certain size it will split and make another branch with its own Secretary, Chair and Treasurer. There are no central membership records kept in the Party.
The branch relates to the rest of the party in this way:
District Committee
State Committee
Central Committee
There may be many Branches in a District. A District may be a city (Sydney) or a region (Wollongong – Sydney- Newcastle) There may be several Districts in the State. Each Party body reports to the higher body and eventually to the Central Committee.
There are other committees such as secretariat, discipline, international relations etc but they all report to the Central Committee being the highest governing body in the Party.
This is how Communist Parties are organised historically as laid out at the 3rd Congress of the Communist International. Tried and true. It generally works well.
Here is an outline of how our Conferences and Congresses are organised.
How we make decisions: Democratic Centralism
Working with allies