Public Events, Sound System, Carpentry, Painting, Catering

Events are a means of mass communication and they must be done well. Your events may be small or large. Below is an event management plan checklist to use a guide. You can down scale from this if your running a smaller event.

Sound Engineer and System
A sound system that does not work is a curse.

There are public address sound systems that are portable, compact, robust with wireless microphones at a reasonable price, if that is what people want. It is still not foolproof. You should always test the system and keep checking that it is working.

It is not the case that an audience will always let the platform know when they cannot hear.

Checks should be made with every speaker from all parts of the audience, more than once in every speaker’s set.

If a branch can have its own equipment of this kind then it will be able to get on with
its work without waiting for borrowed equipment.

Core prices are:

Portable, rechargeable 30-40W (loud) Public Address system, with wireless microphone. Some have FM radio. Plays music from a USB port: $135 and $369 to $399. This PA equipment will do everything you need for meetings and functions.

Mobile PA system
Mobile PA system

Megaphone with additional speaker, battery‐operated (takes 6-8 batteries usually size ‘C’ or ‘D’). $25 – $110.
Other models are available.


Car Loudhailer speakers, $12-$60 or less (each). Or a whole kit from around $300.
Roof bar not included. Not often used in Sydney but in the right campaign in the right location will be effective. Is used effectively elsewhere.

Loudhailers on vehicles
Loudhailers on vehicles

Carpenter and Painter
Comrades and friends with carpentry and painting skills are needed when you get into different ways of making your point.

One would be the making or rigging of exhibition stands as shown in the previous part.

There are many ways in which skilled workers of all kinds can generate propaganda.

Soviet constructivist carpenter
Soviet constructivist carpenter

The below is an example of revolutionary catering.
There is also the question of whether to feed or not to feed, a meeting or a political education session. It is always a draw‐card if you can organise food.

  • Make sure the comrades involved in catering and food preparation are educated in food handling hygiene standards.
  • Provide food of good quality.
  • Think about social and environmental factors when using disposable utensils.
  • Always clean up after the event.
  • If you are using another organisation’s premises to have your function make sure to leave the place in the same state or better than you found it.
  • Don’t leave it to the women to clean up. Everyone participates in this.
Cake with red icing and gold hammer and sickle.
Communist cake
South Africa Communist Party celebrating their 91 year anniversary.
Celebrations at the SACP for their 91st birthday
Chinese Communist Party function. Staff preparing dining tables.
Photo by Jason Lee
Poster explaining the elaborate production process involved in manufacturing disposable plastic spoons when you can just wash up and metal one that will last centuries.
Think about the biodegradability of any disposable utensils.